Meteopool is the best place to go for stormchasers and weather enthusiasts. We offer you live weather data, with which you can specifically observe warning-relevant or severe weather & storms or get safe from them. With our Live Weather Radar Germany you can monitor where rain or snow is currently on the way and whether hail is likely. Via the map settings you can also see if thunderstorms are active (lightning location) and observe the weather with webcams from afar. For international interest, we also offer a weather radar with lightning location for the US.
Stormchasers appreciate our platform that supports GPS tracking on the livemap. Our software, which works on any modern device, can thus be used as a navigation device with weather radar for storm chasing. Evaluations of radar data enable the detection of mesocyclones. We also display this information on the live map as well as in 3D. A warning of the danger of a tornado is issued when certain criteria are reached. With GPS enabled, one's position can be displayed to the public on the live map. Stormchasers thus get more opportunities to network and recruit new team members.
In addition to live data, Meteopool has other exciting projects, such as the worldwide collection of reports and photos on weather stations. In the weather forum, our users can discuss among themselves, ask questions, get news and read blog entries. For website owners we offer weather widgets for embedding. This way our weather maps can be installed as homepage weather.