Blick von der Strandbar St. John auf den Strand und die Bucht Cruz Bay in Saint John. Saint John gehört zu den Amerikanischen Jungferninseln in der Karibik. Ein besonderes Highlight ist der Sonnenuntergang am Meer. View from beach bar St. John over the beach of Cruz Bay. Saint John belongs to the Virgin Islands located in the Caribbean. Make sure to watch the beautiful sunset! The webcam is located at the coast in a height of 8 m NHN. The webcam image is broadcasted live (<1min or stream) and an archive is avaiable. The ground is visible for a clear identification of precipitation (rain, snow, hail). This webcam is a weather cam - the Sky is clearly visible to see clouds and weather.
Sunrise: UTC 10:27 CEST 11:27
Sunset: UTC 22:29 CEST 23:29