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More about this webcam


Die Webcam wird betrieben vom Luftsportverein Essweiler e. V.. The webcam is located in the inland in a height of 408 m NHN and is located at an airport. The ground is visible for a clear identification of precipitation (rain, snow, hail). This webcam is a not a weather cam - The view on the sky for weather identification is not avaiable, blocked or vague.

Icon for sunrise at the webcam location Sunrise: UTC 06:21 CEST 07:21
Icon for sunset at the webcam location Sunset: UTC 17:04 CEST 18:04

How is the current weather near this webcam? 10 more surrounding webcams:

14 kmNWEurope > Germany > Rother Straße, 67748 Odenbach am Glan - Odenbacher Webcam
25 kmSWEurope > Germany > Bad Sobernheim - Bad Sobernheim Wetter
41 kmNWEurope > Germany > Tholey / Saarland - Webcam Tholey | Schaumberg
44 kmWSWEurope > Germany > Weinbiet - Weinbietturm Blick Südwest
44 kmSEurope > Germany > Weinbiet - Weinbietturm Blick Süden
46 kmNEEurope > Germany > Neustadt an der Weinstraße - Rathaus Webcam
55 kmSSWEurope > Germany > Riegelsberg - Innenstadt
60 kmSEurope > Germany > D-67105 Schifferstadt - Rummels Webcam
61 kmWSWEurope > Germany > Mainz - Finthen - Flugplatz EDFZ
64 kmNNEEurope > Germany > Kiedrich - Himmelsblicke rund um Kiedrich
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