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More about this webcam


Die Wettercam von bietet einen perfekten Blick auf das Wetter in der Virchowstraße 20b, 90409 Nürnberg. Das Bild wird einmal pro Minute aktualisiert. The webcam is located in the inland in a height of 321 m NHN. The webcam image is broadcasted live (<1min or stream). The view on the ground to identify precipitation (rain, snow, hail) is not avaiable, blocked or vague. This webcam is a weather cam - the Sky is clearly visible to see clouds and weather.

Icon for sunrise at the webcam location Sunrise: UTC 06:06 CEST 07:06
Icon for sunset at the webcam location Sunset: UTC 16:50 CEST 17:50

How is the current weather near this webcam? 10 more surrounding webcams:

3,2 kmNWEurope > Germany > Nürnberg, Flughafen - Nürnberg Airport, Vorfeld West
4,5 kmNEEurope > Germany > Nürnberg - Radio Gong 97.1 Wettercam
6 km360°Europe > Germany > Nürnberg - Panoramacam Fernmeldeturm Nürnberg
10 kmNWEurope > Germany > Nürnberg - Moorenbrunn
17 kmWNWEurope > Germany > Roßtal - Roßtal Richtung Westen
17 kmWEurope > Germany > Roßtal - Wetter-Webcam Roßtal des PC-Kümmerers
21 kmNEEurope > Germany > Erlangen - Segelgemeinschaft
21 kmWNWEurope > Germany > Schnaittach - Skilift Rothenberg, Blick ins Tal
21 kmEEurope > Germany > Schnaittach - Skilift Rothenberg, Blick zum Berg
22 kmNNWEurope > Germany > Obermembach / Hessdorf - Wetterstation Obermembach
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