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More about this webcam


The webcam is located at the coast in a height of 3 m NHN. The view on the ground to identify precipitation (rain, snow, hail) is not avaiable, blocked or vague. This webcam is a weather cam - the Sky is clearly visible to see clouds and weather.

Icon for sunrise at the webcam location Sunrise: UTC 06:07 CEST 07:07
Icon for sunset at the webcam location Sunset: UTC 16:41 CEST 17:41

How is the current weather near this webcam? 10 more surrounding webcams:

0 kmNNWEurope > Germany > Rostock - Max-Planck-Institut für demografische Forschung (Webcam1)
2,4 kmWNWEurope > Germany > Rostock - Pertikirche
6 kmNEurope > Germany > Rostock - Fährenterminal
9 kmSSEEurope > Germany > Rostock - Seekanal Süden
9 kmNNEEurope > Germany > Rostock - Seekanal Norden
10 kmWEurope > Germany > Warnemünde - Hotel Neptun
10 kmNNEEurope > Germany > Warnemünde - Residenz-Strandhotel Warnemünde
10 kmNEEurope > Germany > Warnemünde - Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde - Hafeneinfahrt
10 kmNNEEurope > Germany > Warnemünde - Hotel Hübner
15 kmWNWEurope > Germany > Börgerende - Börgerende, Parkstraße
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