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More about this webcam


Auf der Webcam sieht zentral in der Mitte man die Erasmusbrücke, auf Niederländisch Erasmusburg genannt. Auf der gegenüber liegenden Seite des Flusses ist die Cruise Terminal Rotterdam zusehen. The webcam is located in the inland in a height of 52 m NHN. The webcam image is broadcasted live (<1min or stream) and an archive is avaiable. The ground is visible for a clear identification of precipitation (rain, snow, hail). This webcam is a weather cam - the Sky is clearly visible to see clouds and weather.

Icon for sunrise at the webcam location Sunrise: UTC 06:37 CEST 07:37
Icon for sunset at the webcam location Sunset: UTC 17:13 CEST 18:13

How is the current weather near this webcam? 10 more surrounding webcams:

52 kmSEurope > The Netherlands > Zandvoort - Zugstation / Railwaystation
55 kmWEurope > The Netherlands > Hilversum airport - Hilversum Flugplatz/Airport
58 kmNWEurope > The Netherlands > Amsterdam - Dam-Platz, Königlicher Palast
58 kmNWEurope > The Netherlands > Amsterdam - National Monument Amsterdam
75 km360°Europe > The Netherlands > Kesteren - Verkehrskamera N233 (Steuerbar)
78 km360°Europe > The Netherlands > Domburg - Hotel Noordzee
78 kmNEEurope > The Netherlands > Domburg - Strandpavillon Oase
79 kmENEEurope > The Netherlands > Egmond aan Zee - Pompplein (Pumpenplatz)
83 kmNEurope > The Netherlands > Zoutelande - Langstraat
94 kmWEurope > The Netherlands > Helmond (Mierlo-Hout) - Railcam / Trainspotting
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