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Minütliche Aktualisierung. The webcam is located at the coast in a height of 24 m NHN. The webcam image is broadcasted live (<1min or stream) and an archive is avaiable. The ground is visible for a clear identification of precipitation (rain, snow, hail). This webcam is a weather cam - the Sky is clearly visible to see clouds and weather.

Icon for sunrise at the webcam location Sunrise: UTC 19:50 CEST 20:50
Icon for sunset at the webcam location Sunset: UTC 08:19 CEST 09:19

How is the current weather near this webcam? 10 more surrounding webcams:

0 kmSSWAustralia > Australia > Sydney - Skyline
949 kmEAustralia > Australia > Sheffield, Tasmanien - The Vale Airport (YVAL), Runway 24
949 kmSSEAustralia > Australia > Sheffield, Tasmanien - Mount Roland, The Vale Airport (YVAL)
949 kmSWAustralia > Australia > Sheffield, Tasmanien - The Vale Airport (YVAL), Runway 06
2154 km360°Oceania > New Zealand > Auckland - Skyline
2159 kmSSEOceania > New Zealand > Auckland - Hauraki Gulf blick auf Browns Island
2335 kmSSWOceania > New Zealand > Castlepoint - Castlepoint Leuchtturm
7236 kmNAsia > Thailand > Choeng Mon, Koh Samui - Bay Beach Resort (Strand)
7775 kmNEAsia > Japan > Yuinishikurasawa - Blick auf Mt. Fuji
7884 kmNEAsia > China, People’s Republic > Shanghai - Daning International Commercial Plaza
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